
Smart Parkers Arrive in Bonn

As the Smart City initiative for Milton Keynes, known as MK Smart, draws to a close, a quick look at Bonn, in Germany shows how the Internet of Things is rapidly becoming the immediate future.

Working alongside Deutsche Telekom as a partner, the city has started to trial “smart parking” in an effort to reduce congestion, traffic emissions and hopefully, frayed tempers!

The Park and Joy app will launch in 2018 and will alert drivers to empty parking spaces, whilst also allowing them to pay using their mobile phone.

Parking spaces will contain a network of sensors, which in turn trigger alerts when the spaces become free.

As the scheme widens, most of the city centre’s managed parking spaces will become “smart” by the end of 2019.

Using data gathered from the system, means the app can be fine-tuned and traffic flow and parking patterns researched in more details leading to an even smarter city!

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